Tuesday 19 July 2016

Molly Bakes Freakshakes

Last month my friend surprised me as part of my 17th birthday gift by taking me for Freakshakes. I knew of freakshakes but I was yet to have one as they are not the easiest things to access. It took my friend some researching to find a place to fulfil the empty space inside that was ready and waiting to be filled with freakshake goodness, and she definitely chose the place to do just that. Molly Bakes. Located in the heart of the Dalston area in London, easily accessible from either Dalston Junction station or Haggerston station, both of which are on the overground line.

We went in the afternoon of a Friday, a very hot Friday let that be known, and were immediately warmly welcomed with smiles from the women behind the counter. Luckily for us we knew we were coming for freakshakes otherwise it my have taken me some time to choose between the varieties of delicious goodies available. There were four freakshake flavours to chose from in the cafe; Peanut Butter, Chocolate, Raspberry and the one that I chose, Caramel. There was also two choices for what would top the freakshake, brownie or cookie. I chose brownie with mine, with the intention to come back another time and choose cookie. 

At the time that we went in it was a working day and so there wasn't that many customers in there and so finding seating wasn't a problem, however had it been a Saturday it may have been a different story.  I would love to revisit this cafe and indulge in another one of their delicious creations, even if I do feel like I shouldn't eat for the entire week afterwards!