Wednesday 30 November 2016


Staying at home for the holidays can be just as exciting as going abroad. Just bare with me on this one. Of course we all wish we could jet off to NYC [unless you live there in which case that's just unfair], stroll in the snow in Central Park and buy all the things in Sephora. But why spend your time wishing when you can make staying at home just as festive and fun. For me its rainy outskirts of London that I'll be spending Christmas in, which I've done every year that I've been here. Don't get me wrong London is beautiful when its covered in a blanket of a thousand fairy lights, but when you travel into the centre everyday for college the magic of it all can quite easily become lost. I thought of a few things that I do to make the holidays even more exciting than if you were jetting off somewhere fancy. 

One tradition that my family have kept for as long as I can remember is to come together with family friends, that have known my parents since their teen years, with their kids, which are the same ages as me and my brother on Christmas Eve and go to Greenwich Market, which at this time of year is decked out beautifully in Christmassy goodness. We keep the Pub at the entrance of the market as our base, leaving bags and usually the men there, while the rest of us walk through the market, over the years I have bought many unique handmade rings and coasters, most of which I cannot find now, as well as snacks and treats from the several food stands they have; these being my personal fav. Gift giving is another part of this tradition, each set of parents buy the kids, apart from their own, a gift. The budget is relatively small, but that's not the point. Opening Christmas presents the day before just makes it that bit more special; and lets be honest who doesn't love giving and receiving presents. 

Foodie Bits. 
One of my favourite parts of this time of year is the food. Plus with Christmas being the excuse, it's mostly guilt free too. I am not actually a mince pie lover [shock horror], but what I do indulge in is shortbread biscuits and some good chocolate variety boxes, [it's only the 9th of December and my families on it's third. I do not regret it. You also can't forget the endless hot chocolates. Having my college sat with a Costa as part of the building, and a Starbucks just next door isn't doing any good for my bank account, I've had three sticky toffee lattes just this week. One thing I love to do every year to make staying at home exciting is to buy a new mug [of festive design preferably]. It seems small but it makes my daily, or lets be honest hourly, hot chocolates that bit nicer. A new cosy blanket doesn't go a miss either.