Friday 27 November 2015


I came across the term 'Wanderlust' about two years ago and I think it pretty much sums up my passion. I enjoy designing, whether that be fashion or architectural, but if I had it my way, and money wasn't an issue, I would spend my days travelling the world, discovering cultures and trying new tasty treats. 

The Oxford Dictionary describes 'Wanderlust' as being something a person can be consumed by, or someone having a strong desire to travel. Being 16 means that it is incredibly hard for my desires to be fulfilled and it leaves me feeling incomplete. I spend a lot of my time on Pinterest, sifting through fellow wanderers' posts about where they have been or where they wish to go, and can't help but feel my heart beating faster at the thought of the time that I can leave home and wander the world that we all share and see first hand the beauties that should be viewed and appreciated. 

If you would like to see where I store all the posts that I am particularly interested in within the topic of travel, you can view them here.  

I cannot freaking wait until I can travel and see the beautiful sights that this world can offer! ONLY 570 days (sarcasm) until I can legally finish education and my dream becomes a reality. Until then the dreams I have will remain just that, a dream. 


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