Friday 3 March 2017

NYC | February 2017

Our first night in the city had to be spent in Times Square. 

The view from our hotel room at The Row. 

I fell in love with the city. 

View out of the MOMA windows.

Visiting the 9/11 memorial is something that I will never forget.

Quick snaps before heading down the subway steps.

An amazing thing  to see on the Upper East Side, when asked, the couple were more than happy to be photographed.  

Just your typical NYC street sign photograph. 

Sitting on the Met steps. XOXO

A day in Brooklyn.

Using the portrait setting on the iPhone 7 Plus.

My favourite art gallery that I've visited - The Guggenheim.

School bus spotted outside the Natural History Museum.

Sitting on the rocks in Central Park.

Another Portrait photo using the iPhone 7 Plus. 

The Upper East Side.

Visiting Victoria's Secret on 5th Avenue.

Final yellow taxi shot.

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