Wednesday 30 November 2016


Staying at home for the holidays can be just as exciting as going abroad. Just bare with me on this one. Of course we all wish we could jet off to NYC [unless you live there in which case that's just unfair], stroll in the snow in Central Park and buy all the things in Sephora. But why spend your time wishing when you can make staying at home just as festive and fun. For me its rainy outskirts of London that I'll be spending Christmas in, which I've done every year that I've been here. Don't get me wrong London is beautiful when its covered in a blanket of a thousand fairy lights, but when you travel into the centre everyday for college the magic of it all can quite easily become lost. I thought of a few things that I do to make the holidays even more exciting than if you were jetting off somewhere fancy. 

One tradition that my family have kept for as long as I can remember is to come together with family friends, that have known my parents since their teen years, with their kids, which are the same ages as me and my brother on Christmas Eve and go to Greenwich Market, which at this time of year is decked out beautifully in Christmassy goodness. We keep the Pub at the entrance of the market as our base, leaving bags and usually the men there, while the rest of us walk through the market, over the years I have bought many unique handmade rings and coasters, most of which I cannot find now, as well as snacks and treats from the several food stands they have; these being my personal fav. Gift giving is another part of this tradition, each set of parents buy the kids, apart from their own, a gift. The budget is relatively small, but that's not the point. Opening Christmas presents the day before just makes it that bit more special; and lets be honest who doesn't love giving and receiving presents. 

Foodie Bits. 
One of my favourite parts of this time of year is the food. Plus with Christmas being the excuse, it's mostly guilt free too. I am not actually a mince pie lover [shock horror], but what I do indulge in is shortbread biscuits and some good chocolate variety boxes, [it's only the 9th of December and my families on it's third. I do not regret it. You also can't forget the endless hot chocolates. Having my college sat with a Costa as part of the building, and a Starbucks just next door isn't doing any good for my bank account, I've had three sticky toffee lattes just this week. One thing I love to do every year to make staying at home exciting is to buy a new mug [of festive design preferably]. It seems small but it makes my daily, or lets be honest hourly, hot chocolates that bit nicer. A new cosy blanket doesn't go a miss either. 

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Molly Bakes Freakshakes

Last month my friend surprised me as part of my 17th birthday gift by taking me for Freakshakes. I knew of freakshakes but I was yet to have one as they are not the easiest things to access. It took my friend some researching to find a place to fulfil the empty space inside that was ready and waiting to be filled with freakshake goodness, and she definitely chose the place to do just that. Molly Bakes. Located in the heart of the Dalston area in London, easily accessible from either Dalston Junction station or Haggerston station, both of which are on the overground line.

We went in the afternoon of a Friday, a very hot Friday let that be known, and were immediately warmly welcomed with smiles from the women behind the counter. Luckily for us we knew we were coming for freakshakes otherwise it my have taken me some time to choose between the varieties of delicious goodies available. There were four freakshake flavours to chose from in the cafe; Peanut Butter, Chocolate, Raspberry and the one that I chose, Caramel. There was also two choices for what would top the freakshake, brownie or cookie. I chose brownie with mine, with the intention to come back another time and choose cookie. 

At the time that we went in it was a working day and so there wasn't that many customers in there and so finding seating wasn't a problem, however had it been a Saturday it may have been a different story.  I would love to revisit this cafe and indulge in another one of their delicious creations, even if I do feel like I shouldn't eat for the entire week afterwards!

Thursday 5 May 2016


My most used social media is probably Pinterest. It really is for anyone. It accommodates to all ages and genders with 37 topics to search. I have various boards on my account where I re-pin images that I can find later.  

FOLLOW ME to find out the things I'm interested in :)

Thursday 21 January 2016

Lumiere London | 2016

Last weekend thousands gathered in central London to take a look at some of the work from different artists from around the globe. Each piece of art was located in a different part of the city which meant you had to walk for a few minuets from place to place. Some were further away from others which meant that unfortunately we didn't manage to see all 31, and only managed to get through 17 before the lights went out at 10:30pm and I demolished dinner in China town. 

I thought that the idea of having an exhibition/festival covering all of central London meant that it was free and an unlimited number of people could attend. I would say that this wasn't my favourite aspect of the evening though. There were HUGE crowds of people hovering over and around anything that shone and looked pretty. There were many times throughout the evening where I couldn't even see my feet to walk. There was definitely a few times where I fell down the curb as well!

Overall it was a really nice evening and it was great seeing different artists from all around the world interpret a brief to create pieces of work revolving around light. It was also great to see many locals and non locals gather for an event rather than just wait and read about it later.

Okay so technically this wasn't part of the Lumiere Festival, but how could I not take a picture of this! I took this in Carnaby Street and was amazed at just how some can change a street and make it look so beautiful. 
Thank you for reading! 


Wednesday 20 January 2016

Eyebrow Routine

For the past few months I have used nothing but these L'oreal products to fill in and give life back to my brows. To prep my brows I make sure I pluck any rogue hairs with a pair of tweezers. The L'oreal Brow Artist Genius Kit includes a tinted wax, powder to fill in your brows and a tiny pair of tweezers and a mini angled brush complete with spoolie (great word) on the end. Due to the small size I don't tend to use the brush or the pair of tweezers however I'm sure they would do the job fine. I first go in with the wax to make sure the powder stays put all day. For this step and the powder application that follows, I use the Mac 266 brush. I think this is the perfect brush for any brow shape/size. It is thin enough that it can fill the thinnest of brows, yet its bristles are densely packed enough that it picks up enough powder.   
To finish the brows I use the Brow Artist Plumper, also from L'oreal. This product keeps your pesky brow hairs from moving from their place. It also works wonders in keeping the colour on all day. I'm really happy with how my brows are at the moment and they are definitely better than how they have been in the past. 


Friday 8 January 2016

Brand Best Bits: Soap and Glory

One Heck of a Blot Powder: Before this product I was too scared to venture out and use any powder that wasn't translucent. I thought they would be too cakey and far to yellow toned for my liking - oh how I was wrong! This powder is far from yellow toned and puts my make up in place for the whole day. It is definitely NOT cakey, and leaves my skin with an airbrushed effect. I have the very opposite of oily skin on my face so what's also great about this product is that is definitely not drying on the skin. 

Smoulder Kohl Eye Liner: I'm not an avid pencil eye liner user, and I usually tend to reach for a liquid eyeliner, but when I do use pencil this is definitely my favourite. The soft kohl texture makes it easy to blend, yet it will stay put, especially when put it over a good eye primer, my favourite being theBalm's Put a Lid on it. 

Archery Eyebrow Pencil: This is by far the best eyebrow pencil I have ever used. An amazing benefit to this product is that it is 100% budget friendly as it is a highstreet product. It has great colour pay off which means that the product lasts a long time. Its a very thin pencil which allows anyone to create natural looking brows. To create the best looking brows I would suggest using small movements to create hair like strokes throughout the areas that need filling in. One thing that is just the cherry on top of the arch (of the brow), is the fact that you don't need to sharpen this pencil as you simply twist the top and then more of the product is available for your use.

The Righteous Butter Body Lotion: I am a big fan of body butters and use them daily, but I, for a few months now, have only used this one. It has a really nice smell which I definitely look for in any moisturising product as I will be using it a lot. I use the product mostly on my legs, especially when they are freshly shaven. It sinks into the skin straight away which I love as it means that there is no sticky residue left behind.

Sugar Crush Body Wash: Ah I love this stuff! At first I thought that this product was perfect for the Summer months and that it was the perfect holiday scent, but recently, after getting it for Christmas (THANK YOU MUM) I have realised that this body wash is perfect all year round, which is great seeing as it lasts bloody ages! The citrus scent is beautifully fresh yet not overpowering, and its the perfect wake up for Monday morning blues, or and other day to be honest, because lets face it I'm always tired. 
