Thursday 21 January 2016

Lumiere London | 2016

Last weekend thousands gathered in central London to take a look at some of the work from different artists from around the globe. Each piece of art was located in a different part of the city which meant you had to walk for a few minuets from place to place. Some were further away from others which meant that unfortunately we didn't manage to see all 31, and only managed to get through 17 before the lights went out at 10:30pm and I demolished dinner in China town. 

I thought that the idea of having an exhibition/festival covering all of central London meant that it was free and an unlimited number of people could attend. I would say that this wasn't my favourite aspect of the evening though. There were HUGE crowds of people hovering over and around anything that shone and looked pretty. There were many times throughout the evening where I couldn't even see my feet to walk. There was definitely a few times where I fell down the curb as well!

Overall it was a really nice evening and it was great seeing different artists from all around the world interpret a brief to create pieces of work revolving around light. It was also great to see many locals and non locals gather for an event rather than just wait and read about it later.

Okay so technically this wasn't part of the Lumiere Festival, but how could I not take a picture of this! I took this in Carnaby Street and was amazed at just how some can change a street and make it look so beautiful. 
Thank you for reading! 


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